1-888-DGVO-PRO (348-6776) (EST) david@davidgilbertvoiceover.com

So, this is where I start writing something brilliant about the voice over business. Right?

Well, maybe, but not just yet. This is basically a temporary post as I didn’t want to launch my website without even one post within my blog.

As I follow several other blogs online I have been and will still continue to figure out what unique point of view I can bring to the industry. Ultimately, it will boil down to just my humble opinion on what is going on in the world.

Voice over is a huge industry with a variety of different genres from commercials to animation, from eLearning to museum audio tours to Saturday morning cartoons, really, almost anyplace you hear the sound of a human voice is part of the wonderful world of voice over. For me, at least for now, I’m focusing on where I have the most connections which is serving business clients for all their voice over needs. From commercials to eLearning, corporate videos to explainer videos, on-hold messaging to trade show videos. Anything a business or other organizations would need for their internal, external and operational voice over needs.

I will add to this later so for now, take care and thanks for reading!

All the best!
